Profiles of 12 Proposed Mainstream Developments in the LMB
This is a PowerPoint Presentation of SEA Team on Profiles of 12 Proposed Mainstream Developments in the LMB during the Regional Impacts Assessment Workshop in Vientiane, 2010. T...
Who suffers most from extreme weather events? Weather-related loss events in 2013 and 1994 to 2013
According to the Climate Risk Index, less developed countries are generally more affected than industrialised countries. The countries affected most in 2013 were the Philippines...
Myanmar land area by type, 2014
A selection of the 2014 data on the size of different land types. Collated for a visualization on the OD Myanmar Land page: https://myanmar.opendevelopmentmekong.net/topics/land
Doing business report 2016
Scores for Lower Mekong countries' property indicators in the World Bank Doing Business Report, 2016. Collated for a visualization on the OD Mekong Land page: https://opendevelo...
Securing Livelihoods and Land Tenure in Rural Myanmar
The Myanmar government introduced two new land laws in 2012 as part of an effort to liberalize land markets. This report analyzes the implementation of these laws using theory, ...
Legal Review of Recently Enacted Farmland Law and Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law
A legal review of Myanmar's 'Farmland Law' and 'Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law', published by Food Security Working Group’s Land Core Group in November 2012
Myanmar forestry outlook study
This report analyses the role of the forestry sector in Myanmar. Beginning by outlining the current state of forests and forestry, it then describes trends that will influence f...
The forests of Burma
This report about the forests of Burma provides information on their geographical context and a range of forest types. Sections provide specific detail on evergreen tropical rai...
USAID property rights and resource governance country profile - Burma
A USAID country profile of Myanmar. The profile includes indicators on population, land, fresh water, trees and forests and minerals, with discussion for each covering resource ...
Rice policy in Myanmar: It’s getting complicated
A paper about rice policy in Myanmar. The paper describes an increase in paddy prices and exports to China; rice in China compared to other sectors; and the relationship between...
The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in Indo-Burma
A comprehensive assessment of species diversity within the inland waters of Indo-Burma. The authors aim to present current information on the distribution and extinction risk of...
Dispute resolution and access to justice: extended synopsis
Extended synopsis of report on access to justice and dispute resolution in the Mekong region, published by Mekong Land Research Forum in 2015.
Overview, Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program
An overview of the Asian Development Bank's Economic Cooperation program for the Greater Mekong Subregion, published in 2012.
Asia's agrarian reform in reverse: laws taking land out of small farmers' hands
The April 2015 edition of Against the Grain -- a report by Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN) on laws and mechanisms in Asia that result in land transfer from indepe...
Land policy and land law: extended synopsis
An extended abstract of Natalia Scurrah and Philip Hirsch's report on land law in the Mekong region, published by Mekong Land Research Forum.
Resources, rights and cooperation a sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development
This first CAPRi sourcebook is a fitting commemoration of the 15th anniversary of CAPRi. Unique among other training materials, it is based directly on the experiences and lesso...
CSO land reform monitoring
Paper prepared by Roel R. Ravanera for the Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC) and Land Watch Asia (LWA) examines progress in land reform...
Land rights and the rush for land findings of the global commercial pressures on land research project
More than 40 organisations collaborated in this global research project through case studies, thematic studies, and regional overviews, from which the content and analysis ...
Holding on: Security of tenure, types, policies, practices and challenges
This review, prepared for the Special Rapporteur to Brazil, Raquel Rolnik, seeks to present a summary of the issues involved in addressing tenure security and insecurity. The re...
Choosing survival: Finding a way to overcome current economic and political quagmires in Myanmar
This paper describes the current challenges Myanmar faces to shift to a system more inclusive of multiple interest groups. The authors provide background on the situation in Mya...