REDD+ and Indigenous Peoples: A briefing paper for policy makers
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Research on the roles and contributions of indigenous women in sustainable forest management in Mekong countries/Asia
Overview and summary of country-level research in Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar regarding the role of indigenous women in sustainable forest management.
Overview of the State of Indigenous Peoples in Asia
The fact remains, however, that the individual and collective rights of peoples who self-identify as indigenous peoples are being violated on a daily basis.
Research on the Roles and Contributions of Indigenous Women in Sustainable Forest Management in Mekong Countries
Indigenous women depend daily on the forests to supply the needs of their families for food, water, livelihood, firewood, shelter and health care.
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U4 Expert Answer: Overview of Corruption in Burma (Myanmar)
U4 is a web-based resource centre for development practitioners who wish to effectively address corruption challenges in their work. Expert Answers are produced by the U4 Helpde...
A Conflict of Interest: the Uncertain Future of Burma’s Forests
‘A Conflict of Interest: the Uncertain Future of Burma’s Forests’ is the first report on logging and conflict in Burma by Global Witness. Global Witness is a British-based non-g...
ITTO Tropical Forest Update
A newsletter from ITTO to promote the conservation and sustainable of use tropical resources.
Baseline Study 4, Myanmar: Overview of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade
Myanmar remains one of the world’s only countries with no prohibitions on log exports. The country provides much coveted teak and other hardwood logs to the region and beyond. S...
The Vacant, Fallow and Virgin (VFV) Lands Management Law (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.10 of 2012)
This Law, consisting of ten Chapters, regulates the following aspects related to vacant, fallow and virgin lands as follows: Name and Definitions (Chap. I); Formation, compositi...
Current State of the Development and Implementation of the National Code of Harvesting Practices in Myanmar
A country paper presented by U Khin Zaw, Deputy General Manager (Planning), Myanma Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Forestry, Union of Myanmar at the International Expert Meeting ...
Burma Business Roundup (May 24, 2013)
An NGO monitoring Burma’s oil, gas and mining industries said that despite international praise being heaped on the government many of its deals with companies remain “secretive...
Myanmar Enterprise Survey 2014: Early Findings
The World Bank Group's Enterprise Survey in Myanmar finds that reforms of the country’s investment climate are urgent across a number of areas, especially access to finance, lan...
Overdue Diligence: Teak Exports from Myanmar in Breach of European Union Rules
Following an investigation into the placement of Burmese teak from Myanmar onto the European Union (EU) market, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has submitted legal ...
Myanmar Timber Legality Assurance System (MTLAS) Gap Analysis Project: Final Report
This report outlines the results of the Myanmar Timber Legality Assurance System (MTLAS) gap analysis exercise. It documents the existing MTLAS and describes some of the gaps ob...
Country Progress Report: Myanmar at 6th Sub-regional Workshop on Timber Legality Assurance
This presentation is from the 6th Sub-Regional Workshop on Timber Legality Assurance. It considers forestry in Myanmar and the chain of custody for forest products, including an...
Framework for Assessing Legality of Forestry Operations, Timber Processing and Trade Annex: Myanmar
This presentation provides a framework for assessing the legality of forestry operations, including a set of principles with criterion and different indicators. The timber legal...
Burma and Transnational Crime
Report by the Congressional Research Service on transnational organized crime in Burma (Myanmar). Transnational crime in Burma bears upon U.S. interests as it threatens regional...
28 Tax Revenue Officials Implicated in Corruption Case
An article about implicating tax revenue officials in corruption case.
Timber Trade Country Profile - Myanmar
According to the FAO (2015) Myanmar has around 29.0 million hectares of forested land, which constitutes to 44.2% of the total land area. Around 28.1 million hectares are primar...