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46 datasets found

Topics: Primary and secondary education

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  • Lao Population and Education 2019

    The statistics of Lao Population between 2011 to 2019, and information on student enrollment 2019 in primary and upper secondary school.

  • Map Use and Reading Textbook for Secondary Education Program

    This map reading and using textbook was developed by the Department of Information Technology (DIT) in collaboration with the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) for the public seco...

  • Education in Cambodia findings from Cambodia's experience in PISA for Development

    This report describes the results achieved by students, the resources invested in​​ education system, and the learning environments in schools and communities, in ways that allo...

  • Instruction on the implemenation of small vacation for all academic institutions both private and public across the country

    The instruction aims to notify all academic institutions to enforce an early summer vacation to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • Baseline Data-set

    The MIMU have been tracking more than 200 indicators from various sources and the dataset is available through their website.

  • 2017 University Entrance Examination Results

    2017 University Entrance Examination Results released by Department of Myanmar Examinations, Ministry of Education, Myanmar.

  • Basic information of school by province (2012-2013)

    This dataset consists of information about education statistics and indicators for the academic year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. It includes the promotion, drop-out, and repetitio...

  • Schools in flood-prone area 2013 (information 2012&2014)

    This dataset is created by clipping between Cambodia flood-prone areas in 2013 dataset and Basic information of school dataset to identify schools are under the flood extend in ...

  • Literacy rate in Cambodia by province (2008)

    This vector dataset provides the literacy rate in Cambodia in 2008, as given by the Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of Statistics). D...

  • Village distance to upper secondary schools in Cambodia (2013)

    This dataset provides the distances students need to travel to reach upper secondary schools for each village in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate re...

  • New generation schools 2019

    New Generation Schools are a new reform recently inaugurated by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in 2014 to create ‘autonomous’ public schools with a mandate t...

  • UN Webpages for the MDGs

    UN Webpages for MDGs 2, 4, and 6.

  • General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 7 Education, Basic Education Section Prod2

    This is the Basic Education section from Module 7 Education in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.

  • Census 2014 - School Attendance (between 5 and 17 year-old) Prod2

    Census 2014 data containing the School Attendance Age (between 5 and 17 year-old) variables. This data is disagregated by female/male, urban/rural and both categories. It has in...

  • Census 2014 - Highest Grade (25 year-old and Over) Prod2

    Census 2014 data containing the Highest Grade Age (25 year-old and Over) variables. This data is disagregated by female/male, urban/rural and both categories. It has indicators ...

  • Census 2014 - Highest Grade (10 year-old and Over) Prod2

    Census 2014 data containing the Highest Grade Age (10 year-old and Over) variables. This data is disagregated by female/male, urban/rural and both categories. It has indicators ...

  • Census 2014 - Highest Grade (5 year-old and Over) Prod2

    Census 2014 data containing the Highest Grade Age (5 year-old and Over) variables. This data is disagregated by female/male, urban/rural and both categories. It has indicators s...

  • Policy guidelines for new generation schools for basic education in Cambodia

    The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has produced the present policy regarding the development of New Generation Schools with the goal of improving educational quality thr...

  • Bidding announcement for renovation of building and furniture for the new generation school

    This is the bidding announcement from the Kampuchean Action for Primary Education to the public for the tender on building and furniture for the new generation school.

  • New generation schools in Cambodia

    This is the news extracted from Radio Free Asia, and in Cambodia, there are ten new generation schools established by 2018: four primary schools, a lower secondary school, and 5...

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