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COVID-19 development in Vietnam and 10 neighboring countries in Asia

The data set provides numbers of COVID-19 infections in Vietnam and some neighboring countries in Asia. In the data set in Vietnam, there is a classification of the total number of new cases, new cases and new infections in the community. The number of infections in the community is the number of unknown infections. The case data is published on a daily basis and is aggregated to the time of current statistics.

Data Resources (4)

Data Resource Preview - EN-Covid-19 increasing in Vietnam with timeline

Additional Info

Field Value
Dataset topic category Pandemics
  • English
  • Vietnamese
Use limitations No limit
  • Asia
  • Viet Nam
Process Step - Search , collect, upload and visualization on CKAN
Responsible party Our World in Data
Metadata creator information ODV
Attributes The data set includes attributes such as publication date, number of cases, number of new cases, number of cases spread in the community. There is also the attribute of the country name and the reference link for the dataset of 14 countries in Asia.
Update Frequency continual
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Copyright Yes
Version 2
Keywords covid-19,vietnam,asia,Việt Nam,Châu Á
Date uploaded July 30, 2020, 11:45 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified August 31, 2021, 1:08 AM (UTC+00:00)