Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports Order 107/2020
All citizens in Yangon Region (excluding Cocogyun Township) are included in the stay-at-home programme since positive cases and the rapid increase of cases in a short amount...
Rakhine State under the Stay-home Program
People residing in the townships in Rakhine State are subjected to practice “Stay at home” program. Residents who are included in this Stay at Home Programme townships in Ra...
Mandalay under the Stay-Home Program
In order to control the spread of COVID-19 in Mandalay district, Mandalay Regional Government restrict the extension of Stay-Home base until December 18, 2020.
National level Central Committee on COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment announcement to people residing in Rakhine State
National-Level Central Committee announced that all people in Rakhine State has been put into "Stay-Home" Program. Only health issues and emergencies cases are allowed to travel...
Matter of the extension of temporary restrictions on domestic flights
The Ministry of Transport and Communications has directed by the Reference Letter #3 to inform further all domestic airlines to follow an extended period of temporary suspension...
Announcement of National level Central Committee on COVID-19 prevention
National level Central Committee on COVID-19 prevention announce that the prevention, control and treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), will be extended to 15 Decem...
Informing about reduction of quarantine period
Informing about reduction of quarantine period, as the reference letter above to reduce the previously specified Facility Quarantine period from (21) days to (14) days, thereby ...
For acknowledgement and practice of all travelers coming to and from to Nay Pyi Taw Council area and other States and Regions
All travelers coming to Nay Pyi Taw Council area and go to other States and Regions, people will be allowed to enter only after completing the following measures. A) People w...
MoFA-Precautionary Restrictive Measures for local people and all travellers to and from Rakhine State (22 August).
"Inform local people, and all travellers to and from Rakhine State as the following advices. (a) People residing in Sittwe township are observe to ""stay Home"" from 20 August...
The extension of precautionary restriction measures relating to Control of COVID-19 Pandemics Until 31 October 2020
Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to extend temporary entry restriction for visitors from all of countries.
Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Law 2018 (June 2018 Draft)
This is the draft (June 2018) of Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Law.
July 2018 DRAFT Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Law
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The Law Amending the Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law
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National Land Use Policy
National land resource management shall be taken into consideration not only for the present but also for the future in order to enhance people’s food security, water resource d...
The Myanmar Pearl Law
1995 Pearl Law
The Myanmar Pearl Rules
Myanmar Pearl Rules (2000)
Law amending the Myanmar Pearl Law
2014 Amendments to the Myanmar Pearl Law
Law amending the Union of Myanmar Constitution
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Myanmar Gemstone Law (2019)
2019 Gemstone Law
Forest Law (1992)
This Law shall be implemented in accordance with the following basic principles: (a) To implement the forestry policy of the Government; (b) To implement the environmental con...