SDG Goals
Contains archived webpages for the SDGs. Archives were taken on June 4, 2019.
Signature and Ratification Status
UNODC signature and ratification status webpage for the UN Convention against Corruption. This is an archive of a website that was taken on June 3, 2019.
Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform
UN Webpage that contains information regarding SDG 16. Includes all of the targets and indicators for SDG 16.
[DRAFT] TDI User Agreement
TDI User Agreement (Temporary version, when the URL of the TDI website will be determined)
Exec Summary - Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Myanmar Hydropower Sector
မှနြှာန ိုငငြံ ရအောားလွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပရြေားကဏျဍသညြ ှှံှေ့ပှ ှုားရေားအရကာငအြထညရြှာြှှု ကနဦားအဆငြ့တြှငသြာ ရှ ရန ရသားသညြ့အြတှကြ လွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပြှှုက ို ပတဝြနြားက ငြ နှငြ့ြ လူှှုရော...
State of Land in the Mekong Region
In a region in rapid transition, understanding the changing role and contribution of land in development is critical to inform policy, planning and practices towards a sustainab...
The Indigenous World 2018
The rising tensions between states and indigenous peoples are reaching a peak and The Indigenous World 2018 adds to the documented records, highlighting the increase in attacks ...
Greater mekong subregion twenty-five years of partnership
This publication, Greater Mekong Subregion: Twenty-five Years of Partnership, highlights the GMS Program’s successful use of economic corridors and focus on priority sectors t...
Assessing Civil Society Participation in REDD+ and FLEGT: Case Study Analysis of Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia and the Republic of Congo
This report presents findings from an assessment study on the quality of participation of civil society actors in REDD+ and FLEGT voluntary partnership agreement processes in fo...
FLEGT and REDD+ Synergies and Impacts in the Congo Basin: Lessons for Global Forest Governance
This document provides the results of a study on the synergies and impacts of FLEGT and REDD+ in the Congo Basin countries. The results point to the conclusion that fundamental ...
Linking FLEGT and REDD+ Processes in Practice
The European Union’s FLEGT Action Plan – which aims to reduce trade in illegal timber -, and REDD+ constitute two recent international forest regimes. Since the aims of the regi...
New Challenges and Strategies in Defense of Land and Territory
What is happening with the land and natural wealth around the world, and to the people who depend on them? How are people responding to these trends, threats, and challenges?In ...
Exploring gender dimensions of water insecurity and governance in the Lower Mekong Region
This brief shows how outcomes of water insecurity are rarely distributed equally, as experiences vary depending on identity issues including gender, ethnicity, race, class and a...
Green Desert: Communities in Tanintharyi Renounce the MSPP Oil Palm Concession 2016
This report argues that the Myanmar Stark Prestige Plantation (MSPP) case highlights the environmental and social risks of oil palm expansion in Myanmar and advocates that the G...
Annual review of REDD+ activities in Laos 2010
The report is about the role REDD has played in project development in the forest sector in Laos. Since 2009, a number of projects have come into existence under facilitation of...
A web-platform to assess the implications of climate and development uncertainties in managing water resources allocation and use in the Lower Mekong Region
An online game / tool called Supporting Water Resources Management (SWARM) in Lower Mekong region (Southeast Asia) based on SEI's Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model.
The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Process in Central and West Africa: From Theory to Practice
The present study is intended to document and foster strategic reflection in partner countries already engaged in negotiating a VPA – or those who will be entering into such neg...
Making Forestry Fairer: A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations Taking Part in FLEGT VPA Negotiations
This guide is designed to help civil society organisations (CSOs) understand the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) negotiation process, explore ways to make the most of th...
Underlying causes of deforestation in the Mekong region
This paper discusses the relationship between deforestation and development, as well as causation in deforestation. The paper then describes the situation in the Mekong, focusin...
Improving forest governance in the Mekong region
This report identifies opportunities for regional activities to improve forest governance and combat logging in the Mekong countries. The report is based on a series of workshop...