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  • Impact of population aging on Asia’s future growth

    This working paper examines the quantitative impact of population aging on economic growth in 12 developing Asian economies that make up the bulk of the region's population and ...

  • Grain and feed annual 2014- Burma

    A report on grain and feed production in Myanmar. Rice paddy production and exports are estimated to increase in market year 2013/2014 and 2014/15. Corn production is also estim...

  • Securing the right to land: a CSO overview on access to land in Asia

    This report aims to provide a survey of the situation os land access by Asia’s poor through a review of existing political and legal frameworks governing land access. As well it...

  • Reinventing irrigation

    The conditions that led to large public investment in irrigation in the second half of the 20th century have changed radically, and today’s circumstances demand substantial...

  • Negotiate reaching agreements on water

    This dataset has no description

  • Reforming water governance principles enabling practice

    12 page slide presentation presented at 5th GEF-IW Conference Cairns, Australia October 2009

  • AQUASTAT country fact sheet Myanmar

    Fact Sheet on Myanmar's water resources, water uses, and agricultural water management.

  • Asian water development outlook 2013 measuring water security in Asia and the Pacific

    "This second edition of the Asian water development outlook (AWDO) provides the first quantitative and comprehensive view of water security in the countries of Asia and the...

  • Degradation in carbon stocks near tropical forest edges

    Carbon stock estimates based on land cover type are critical for informing climate change assessment and landscape management, but field and theoretical evidence indicates that...

  • Live long and prosper: Aging in East Asia and Pacific

    This report explores the rapidly changing and diverse demographics of East Asian and Pacific countries. It documents policy frameworks on aging and explores the implications of...

  • (15 September 2010) Report by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya

    An advance version of documentation on cases examined by the Special Rapporteur between June 2009 and July 2010. In accordance with his mandate, the Special Rapporteur has sent...

  • Stakeholder engagement in preparing investment plans for the climate investment funds: Case studies from Asia: Second edition

    Since the inception of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has participated in the preparation of 15 investment plans covering the two main CIF...

  • Open budget survey 2012 (full report)

    The Open Budget Survey investigates national governments on their budget transparency, public participation in budgeting, and oversight by legislatures and supreme audit...

  • Open budget survey 2015 (full report)

    The Open Budget Survey investigates national governments on their budget transparency, public participation in budgeting, and institutional oversight of the budget. 102...

  • Bottom of ASEAN: Impact of rushed investment in “Last Frontier” countries- Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos on labour and migration

    This discussion paper analyses the impact of rushed investment on labour and migration in Myanmar/Burma, Cambodia and Laos. The paper argues that low wages and labour standards...

  • Asia-Pacific labour market update, February 2015

    This issue of the Asia-Pacific labour market update provides information on trends in employment, job quality and income inequality. The uncertain global economy and demographic...

  • ASEAN guidelines for chain of custody of legal timber and sustainable timber

    These guidelines prepared by ASEAN include definitions, fundamentals, and guidelines for both legal and sustainable timber as well as a list of references used to prepare the...

  • The human cost of weather related disasters 1995-2015

    This report presents an analysis of global weather-related disaster trends over a twenty year time-frame, and highlights the need for a new climate change agreement from the...

  • I want to eat fish. I cannot eat electricity: public participation in Mekong Basin development

    A volume of writings from graduates of EarthRights Mekong School, a training program for civil society advocates from the Mekong Region whose work focuses on human rights and...

  • A delicate balance: ASEAN, development and environmental regulation

    This edition of ASEAN Path looks at how domestic environmental laws have evolved across the region to foster development that is ecologically, economically and socially...

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