Thailand’s Land Bridge: Navigating Geopolitical and Investor Concerns
• Thailand’s land bridge project aims to establish a vital trade route between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, offering an alternative to the congested Malacca Strait....
Webpage capture on Chip Mong Mall investment
Chip Mong Retail continues to maintain good progress on the construction of its four malls, which have a combined investment value of US$500 million, despite the worsening COVID...
Webpage capture of 700MW coal plant construction
The webpage capture of 700MW coal plant construction displays the website and information content conveying to the 700MW coal-fired power plant in Preah Sihanouk province with a...
Tunnelling Ahead as Laos-China Railway Proceeds on Track
This media article is about the construction of the Laos-China railway project. The project has a total investment of 40 billion Chinese yuan (about US$6 billion), 70 percent of...
List of valid domestic construction companies by June 25, 2019
According to this document, the total of domestic construction companies type 1 (big) is 53 companies. Domestic construction companies of type 2 (medium) have a total of 87 ente...
List of valid foreign construction companies by June 25, 2019
According to this document, the construction companies of type 1 (big) have 113 companies, companies of type 2 (medium) have a total of 24 companies, and companies of type 3 (sm...
Developer Set to Install Savan-Laobao Railway Corridor Posts
The media article discusses the contract that Giant Rail Company Limited signed a with a Lao company to install railway route corridor posts for a planned line linking Laos’ c...
Smallholder market participation, structural transformation and inclusive growth in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
This report is an outcome of a collaborative effort between CAPSA and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR, aimed at understanding the nature of struc...
Country analysis report: Lao PDR 2015
The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is a land-locked, ethnically diverse and mountainous country with an estimated population at 6.8 million. It has the distinctio...
Góp ý dự thảo quyết định cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường và ký quỹ CT, PHMT đối với khai khoáng 2012
Góp ý của Trung tâm Con người và Thiên nhiên (PanNature) cho bản dự thảo lần 2 Quyết định về cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường và ký quỹ cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường đối với hoạt độn...