Sub-decree no. 659 on the appointment of members of the National Committee for Lifelong Learning
This sub-decree aims to appoint members of the National Committee for Lifelong Learning.
Sub-decree no. 237 on the organization and functioning of the General Secretariat of the National Committee for Lifelong Learning
This sub-decree establishes the organization and functioning of the General Secretariat of the National Committee for Lifelong Learning, abbreviated as the General Secretariat o...
Royal decree on the organization and functioning of the National Committee for Lifelong Learning
This royal decree aims to establish the National Committee for Lifelong Learning (NCLLL) as a mechanism for monitoring, evaluation, and support in the government’s lifelong lear...
Sub-decree no. 101 on the organization and functioning of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
This sub-decree defines the organization and functioning of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport including function, mission, and structure.
Prakas no.1065 on the transfer of education staff working in public early childhood education institutes, public primary education institutes, and community learning centers to municipal, district, Khan administrations
The Prakas aims to transfer the education staff, who are government officials and contract officers working in public early childhood education institutes, public primary educat...
Sub-decree no.213 on the transfer of function in the education, youth and sport sector to municipal, district, khan administration
The sub-decree aims to improve management and education, youth, and sport services with effectiveness, quality, accountability, transparency, inclusion, and social equity. T...
Teacher Policy Action Plan (TPAP) 2015
The Teacher Policy was approved by the MoEYS in May 2013. It outlined the broad policy goals, objectives and gernal strategies to be pursued. As the next step, this Teacher Poli...
Policy and strategy on information and communication technology in education
The Royal Government of Cambodia recognizes that ICT will increasingly become a key tool to transform the national economy and industry, and to improve the lives of its people. ...
Policy and strategies on information and communication technology in education in Cambodia
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is introducing various initiatives to facilitate greater integration of information and communication technology (ICT) to impr...
Policy on research development in the education sector
The policy focuses on enhancing the quality of education, increasing new knowledge and developing the society, economy and culture.
Policy framework based on the results and programs of public investment in education sector 2022-2023
This policy framework is a road map and strategic direction for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport to invest in effective education, leadership, and management. It focus...
Guideline No. 60 on comprehensive teaching and learning for general education institutions at all Levels, public and private higher education institutions and teacher training institutions
In order to move towards a new normal education process in the context of COVID-19 disease, from November 01, 2021, the Ministry will expand the scope of teaching and learning i...
Setting to use numbers in Khmer
Setting to use numbers in Khmer aims to unify the use of the number system in the Khmer language and to make the Khmer number system more rational.
Instruction No. 40 on the distance learning and e-learning for pilot implementation of non-formal secondary education equivalents in Kampong Speu and Tbong Khmum provinces
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport released an instruction on the distance learning and e-learning for pilot implementation of non-formal secondary education equivalents fo...
Instruction No. 21 on the strengthening health safety measures in educational establishments
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport issued an instruction on strengthening health safety measures to preventing the transmission of COVID-19 into educational establishments.
Guidelines on the Development of the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021-2015)
The purpose of this guideline is to instruct the governments to summarize areas of their works such as macro-economy, production and services, social and cultural field, rural d...
Permission to reopen public higher education institutions
Public higher education institutions are allowed to reopen and must be implemented consistently and strictly in accordance with the contents of the Standard Operating Procedures...
Instruction on the organization and conduct of secondary school diploma examination in private institutions for the academic year 2019-2020
This instruction aims to show how to organize and conduct the secondary school diploma examination in private educational institutions for the 2019-2020 sc...
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for school reopening during COVID-19 pandemic
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for school reopening during COVID-19 pandemic aims to introduce various rules, including health measures to educational institutions so that...
Policy on higher education vision 2030
Cambodia Higher Education Vision 2030 will ensure comprehensive equity and access for students, efficient and smooth coordination and management of higher education, necessary m...