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276 library_records found

Topics: Forest policy and administration Search Result For: library_record

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  • Forest resources and forestry in Vietnam

    Forest and forestland are important sources of livelihood for the population living in or near forests and in mountainous areas of Vietnam. The objective of this paper is to ana...

  • Re-inventing forestry agencies: institutional restructuring of forestry agencies in Vietnam since 1994, Excerpt from "Re-inventing forestry agencies - Experiences of institutional restructuring in Asia and the Pacific"

    This study aims to provide an understanding of the changing roles of the state forestry agencies in Viet Nam since 1994 and the process of re-aligning their organizational struc...

  • Livelihood improvement linked to forest protection and development: Practices and policy recommendations

    This document contains several policy recommendations for improving livelihoods linked to sustainable forest protection and development. The primary policy beneficiaries are loc...

  • Timber Legality Assurance System of Cambodia

    Presentation slides emphasizing the importance of having laws, regulations and clear policy as stated in the NFP in cooperation with EU to develop FLEGT-VPA

  • The impact of policies and laws on sustainable and equitable forest resource management

    In the recent years, many forestry policies has been planned, the legistration framework about forestry has been improved; more national and international programs, projects hav...

  • Forest tenure policies in Vietnam: Status, gaps and way forward

    The current regulatory framework in Viet Nam addresses the issue of forest land tenure and recognizes the rights of legitimate holders of forests and forest land. but major poli...

  • Sustainable forest management and forest certification in Vietnam: From policy to practice

    This article focuses on assessing the implementation and impacts as well as the policies that have been and will be directly related to Vietnam's Sustainable forest management a...

  • Constraints on People’s Participation In Forest Management in Thailand

    It is an article about constraints to participation of local population in the forest management in Thailand.

  • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – Thailand’s Management Authorities competent to grant permits

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  • ‘More Valuable than Gold’: Thailand’s Fight to Save the Siamese Rosewood

    Dalbergia cochinchinensis, otherwise known as Thailand Rosewood or Siamese Rosewood, is an ancient hardwood found in the countries of the Mekong region, namely Thailand, Cambodi...

  • Occupational Safety and Health Management among Five ASEAN Countries: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Singapore

    Occupational safety and health is one of important issues for workforce movement among ASEAN countries. The objective was to study laws, main agencies, and law enforcement regar...

  • CITES Biennial Report - Thailand

    This dataset has no description

  • Work Permits for Foreign Nationals

    The Foreign Working Act of 2008 requires all foreigners working in Thailand to obtain a work permit prior to starting work in the Kingdom and describes the procedures for issuan...

  • Case Studies in South and East Asia: Forest Ownership, Forest Resource Tenure and Sustainable Forest Management

    This case study on trends in forest ownership, forest resources tenure and institutional arrangements in Thailand was undertaken for FAO as a component of a regional study. A ma...

  • Linking FLEGT and REDD+ Processes in Practice

    The European Union’s FLEGT Action Plan – which aims to reduce trade in illegal timber -, and REDD+ constitute two recent international forest regimes. Since the aims of the regi...

  • The recognition of customary tenure in Lao PDR

    This study begins with a broad overview of customary tenure arrangements in Lao PDR, followed by a discussion of key policy changes over the past 30 years that have impacted on ...

  • Update on Thailand's VPA and Legal Reforms

    This presentation is from the 6th Sub-Regional Workshop Meeting on Timber Legality Assurance. It provides an update on the FLEGT voluntary partnership agreement in Thailand, dis...

  • Cambodia Readiness Plan Proposal on REDD+ (Cambodia REDD+ Roadmap)

    The Cambodia REDD+ Roadmap is a national plan for how the RGC wants to move ahead with REDD+ Readiness. Following initial stakeholder consultations in late 2009 and early 2010, ...

  • The Set of Socio-Environmental Indicators for Provincial Planning and Implementation of REDD+, 2015

    Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD +) is an international initiative that focuses on the role of forests as a mitigation measure for global clima...

  • The long road to timber legality Taking stock of the EU-Vietnam VPA timber trade deal

    Eight years of often intense negotiations between Vietnam and the European Union (EU) reached a milestone in Brussels on 19 October 2018. Federica Mogherini, the EU high represe...

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