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6,015 datasets found

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  • Cambodian child online protection guidelines for the digital technology industry

    This guideline aims to encourage the industry to take preemptive and effective actions to ensure that their products and services are safe for young users in Cambodia, with time...

  • A feminist participatory action research study of breaking the silence

    This research seeks to break the silence surrounding sexual consent, particularly in a culture where women are pressured to remain virgins until marriage and are frequently blam...

  • Video tutorial on data literacy​ training

    This video series presents 11 lessons and introduction to data literacy organized by the Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) to provide video tutorials on data literacy...

  • Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)

    This dataset contains data of eight types of protected areas in Cambodia (national park, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, multiple use, natural heritage site, Ramsar sit...

  • Special economic zone in Cambodia (2006-2024)

    This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The total number of 60 SEZs are recorded in point that data was collected fr...

  • National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035

    "The National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035" has been developed by updating and replacing the "National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025" to further s...

  • Using Smart Phone for data collection: Kobo Toolbox (in Khmer)

    The video tutorials on the Kobo Toolbox data collection in the Khmer language were produced by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in 2019. The purpose of making these videos is to ...

  • Community protected areas (2006-2021)

    This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, multiple use areas, wildlife sanctuar...

  • Guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform

    This guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform aims to provide general information related to e-c...

  • Number of ATM in Cambodia as at 31 Dec 2023

    This dataset provides a list of banks in Cambodia and the number of ATMs associated with each bank. It was downloaded from the DataEF portal:

  • Prakas No.723 on the rules of using invoice

    This Prakas aims to strengthen the implementation of the rules of proper use of invoices to ensure effectivity and transparency in the collection of taxes.

  • Education strategic plan 2024-2028

    The education strategic plan 2024-2028 has been crafted to transform the reforms outlined in the first phase of the Pentagon Strategy, education sector reform, and Cambodia Sust...

  • Policy on inclusive education

    The goal of the Policy on Inclusive Education is to educate all persons with special needs to have knowledge, skills and attitude so that they are able to contribute to the deve...

  • Action plan on inclusive education 2024-2028

    Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2024-2028 is developed based on the achievements of the Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2019-2023 and envisions providing quality education...

  • Action plan on inclusive education 2019-2023

    Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2019-2023 have objectives to ensure early identification, assessment, and timely interventions, to provide access to inclusive and equitable q...

  • Law on Wastewater Systems

    This law regulates the management, development, construction, repair, maintenance, operation and use of wastewater systems with the aim of ensuring the efficiency, quality, safe...

  • [Draft] Completed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment on Koh Krabey Resort Development Project of R.P.B Investment Co., Ltd

    The specific objectives of the full environmental and social impact assessment study on the Koh Krabey Resort Development Project are: 1. Study the existing biological environm...

  • [Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) on Limestones construction business project of China Sui Tai Rock Factory Co., Ltd

    The main purpose of China Sui Tai Rock Factory's construction stone business project is to contribute to the sustainable development of construction stone by supplying construct...

  • Revenue collection strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the seventh legislature of the national assembly

    This revenue collection strategy aims to strengthen revenue collection by continuing to modernize the administration and fiscal and non-fiscal policies, while balancing, continu...

  • Registered indigenous communal land

    This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planing and Construction, from ...