Exploring the climate change concerns of striped catfish producers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
This study investigated the perceptions on and adaptations to climate change impacts of 235 pangasius farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Data were collected using semi-struct...
ASEAN action plan on joint response to climate change
The ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on Joint Response to Climate Change (adopted 9 April 2010) recognized that the Southeast Asian region is vulnerable to climate change. In reference...
Scenario analyses of road transport energy demand: A case study of ethanol as a diesel substitute in Thailand
Ethanol has been explored and used as a diesel substitute, which offers an option for an oil-importing country like Thailand to reduce its fossil import by use of its own indige...
The Mekong River Basin (briefing)
A brief introducing the Mekong River. The Mekong begins in China and flows through Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia before emptying into the South China Sea. This paper descr...
USAID Mekong ARCC climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, vulnerability assessment report IUCN Thailand
The report of an assessment of climate and non-climate vulnerabilities in target villages in Chiang Rai and Sakon Nakhon provinces in Thailand, and to propose potential adaptati...
USAID Mekong ARCC climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, vulnerability assessment report Thuan Hoa commune, An Minh District, Kien Giang Province, AMDI Vietnam
The report of a vulnerability assessment aiming to understand climate and non-climate vulnerabilities in the USAID Mekong Adaptation and Resistance to Climate Change (ARCC) targ...
USAID Mekong ARCC climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, vulnerability assessment report IUCN Lao PDR
The report of a vulnerability assessment aiming to understand climate and non-climate vulnerabilities in the USAID Mekong Adaption and Resistance to Climate Change (ARCC) target...
Future changes in Mekong River hydrology: impact of climate change and reservoir operation on discharge
A study assessing the likely impact of economic development and climate change on the hydrology of the Mekong. The results indicate that within the coming 20–30 year period, the...
Climate change and migration: Exploring the impacts of climate change on people’s livelihoods and migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region
The report of a research project seeking to contribute to greater understanding of climate change in the GMS. Primary research was conducted in two case study communities, Magwa...
Climate change on the Vietnam, Mekong Delta, expected impacts and adaptations
A presentation on climate change on the Mekong Delta, expected impacts and emerging water resource management issues. The presenter describes adaptation challenges for the Mekon...
USAID Mekong ARCC climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, main report
This report summarizes the results of the USAID Mekong Adaptation and Resistance to Climate Change (ARCC) project's second technical initiative, the Climate Change Impact and Ad...
By the numbers: Economic impacts of climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin
An article about the possible impacts of climate change on the Mekong region, summarising a report of USAID’s Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change project. The aut...
Mekong Delta plan: long-term vision and strategy for a safe, prosperous and sustainable delta
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Kingdom of the Netherlands have signed a Strategic Partnership Arrangement on Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management (October 2...
River transport in Mekong river delta and the adverse effect of climate change
A presentation about river transport in the Mekong river delta. The presenter outlines development trends with regards to river transport, then describes the adverse effects of ...
Climate change strategic plan for climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation in transport sector (Cambodia)
The Cambodian Government’s strategic plan on climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation in the transport sector. The document provides information on the current st...
Climate change action plan for transport sector 2014-2018 (Cambodia)
The Cambodian Government’s climate change action plan for the transport sector 2014-2018. The plan contributes to two strategic priorities: to promote climate resilience in the ...
The Great Mekong and climate change: Biodiversity, ecosystem services and development at risk
A report about the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, ecosystem services and development in the Greater Mekong. The first part of the report describes changes from clima...
Climate change in Southeast Asia: Focused actions on the frontlines of climate change
This publication identifies the significant issues and challenges relating to climate change being faced by Southeast Asian countries, and highlights emerging responses and best...
The Preah Sihanouk declaration on building coastal resilience to climate change impacts in Southeast Asia
A joint declaration by over 200 participants at the 2014 forum of the EU-funded Building Coastal Resilience Project. The declaration comprises participants’ major recommendation...
Strategy for agriculture and water 2010-2013
A joint strategy prepared by the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture,Forests and Fisheries and the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology together with donors, NGOs and...