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Defining and assessing the effectiveness of civil society networks working on forest governance issues in Africa and Asia: Special Report

This report is based on the results of a 2021 study conducted by the Centre for International Development and Training (CIDT) of the University of Wolverhampton, the Field Legality Advisory Group (FLAG) and RECOFTC. The study explored the concept of ‘effectiveness’ in relation to civil society networks working on forest governance issues in 12 countries. Tropenbos International also contributed by undertaking interviews in Ghana and Liberia. The surveys were funded by the European Union and the UK Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) under the Forest Governance Markets and Climate (FGMC) Programme. Funding for the production of this report was also provided by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) as core donors of RECOFTC.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Document type Reports, journal articles, and research papers (including theses and dissertations)
Language of document
  • English
  • Civil society
  • Forest protection NGOs
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Cambodia
  • Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • Myanmar
  • Thailand
  • Viet Nam
Copyright Yes
Access and use constraints

Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of the copyright holder.

Version / Edition 2021
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

RECOFTC P.O. Box 1111 Kasetsart Post Office Bangkok 10903, Thailand T +66 (0)2 940 5700 F +66 (0)2 561 4880 @RECOFTC

Co-author (individual) Aurelian Mbzibain and Habiba Mohamed (CIDT), Horline Njike and Zora Touko Batupe (FLAG), and Nathalie Faure and Robin aus der Beek (RECOFTC)
Co-author (coorporate) CIDT, FLAG and RECOFTC
ISBN number 9786168089415
Publication place Bangkok, Thailand
Publisher RECOFTC
Publication date 2021
Pagination 24
General note

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) under the Forest Governance Markets and Climate (FGMC) Programme. Funding for the production of this report was also provided by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) as core donors of RECOFTC.

The content of this special report is the responsibility of RECOFTC, FLAG and CIDT and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Sida or SDC.

Suggested citation: RECOFTC. 2021. Defining and assessing the effectiveness of civil society networks working on forest governance issues in Africa and Asia. Bangkok, RECOFTC.

Keywords CSO Effectiveness,Forest Governance,Africa,Asia
Date uploaded January 31, 2022, 5:52 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified January 31, 2022, 7:54 AM (UTC+00:00)