Sub-decree no. 198 on the determination of sustainable use of land 30.91 hectares in Kep national park, Sangkat Prey Thum, Kep city, Kep province, and the reclassification of state public property to state private property
This sub-decree determines the sustainable use and reclassifies 30.91 hectares of state public land to state private land under the terms of a lease to DPLK INVESTMENT GROUP...
Sub-decree no. 137 on land reclassification as state private land of 799 hectares located within Stueng Hav district Preah Sihanouk province
This sub-decree shows the reclassification of state public land of 799 hectares, in Tumnob Rolok commune Stueng Hav district Preah Sihanouk province as state private land by...
Sub-decree no. 130 on land reclassification of 964 hectares and 96 Ares in Ta Ni village, Run Ta Aek commune, Banteay Srei district, Siem Reap province
This sub-decree shows the reclassification with an area of 964 hectares, and 96 ares in Ta Ni village, Run Ta Aek commune, Banteay Srei district, Siem Reap province by the...
Sub-decree no. 106 on the cutting of 5 hectares of land from the broadcasting station and restoring the forest Trapeang Thum situated in Prey Sloek commune, Treang district, Takeo province, in order to reclassify it as state private land to the 2nd office of the Army of the Ministry of National Defense
This sub-decree no. 106 shows the cutting of 5 hectares of land from the broadcasting station and the restoration of the forest Trapeang Thum situated in Prey Sloek commune,...
Sub-decree no. 105 on Boeung Ta Mok reformation (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
Sub-decree no. 105 on the reformation of the area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh, decided to cut a area with a total area of 10 hectares in Sangkat Ponsang,...
Sub-decree no. 64 on the cutting land of 60000 square meters, located in Krapeu village, Ballangk commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siemreap province from the forest cover 2002 to reclassify as state private land and grant ownership to national police school, region 4
This sub-decree aims to cut the land of 60000 square meters, located in Krapeu village, Ballangk commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siemreap province from the forest cover 2002...
Sub-decree no. 59 on the reclassification of state private land with an area of 1467 hectares, located within Kep city and Damnak Chang'aeur district, Kep province
This sub-decree aim to reclassify an area of 1467 hectares located in Kep city and Damnak Chang'aeur district, Kep province, which is the state public land to the state...
Sub-decree no. 56 on the cutting land of 1 hectares 21 ares 61 centi-ares in Stung Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province from the forest cover 2002 to reclassify as state private and grant ownership to citizen
This sub-decree aims to cut the land of 1hectares 21 ares 61 centi-ares in Stung Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province from the forest cover 2002 to reclassify as state private...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone
Determining 17,650 hectares as sustainable use zones in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary in Oaral district of Kampong Spue province, and granting the land for agro-industry investment...
Sub-Decree no. 31 on land reclassification of state public land into state private land on a total area of 19,635 square meters in village 3, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk province
This sub-decree reclassifies state public land into state private land on a total area of 19,635 square meters in village 3, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville, Sihanoukville Province.
Sub-decree no. 242 on the determination of sustainable use of land 29 (twenty-nine) hectares in Kep national park, Sangkat Prey Thum, Kep City, Kep province, and the reclassification of state public property to state private property
This sub-decree determine the sustainable use of land 29 (Twenty-Nine) hectares in Kep national park, Sangkat Prey Thum, Kep City, Kep province and the attached annex to this...
Sub-decree no. 243 on the reclassification of land from state public property to state private property
This sub-decree reclassify of land from state public property to state private property to develop a small private tourist port and restaurant at the location of Samanea Beach...
Sub-decree no. 240 on the adjustment area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
This sub-decree shows the cutting of 2 areas with a total area of 63,477 m2 (sixty-three thousand four hundred and seventy-seven square meters) in the four villages of Sangkat...
Sub-decree no. 238 on the adjustment area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
This sub-decree shows about land was cut into 2 (two) areas with a total area of 57,323 square meters (fifty seven thousand three hundred and twenty three square meters) located...
Sub-decree no. 237 on the adjustment area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
This sub-decree shows the land that was cut into 3 (three) areas with a total area of 303716 square meters (three hundred and three thousand seven hundred and sixteen square...
Sub-decree no. 128 on the land cutting of 5 hectares 25 Ares 77 Centi-Ares in Stueng Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province for giving ownership to citizen
Sub-decree no. 128 on the land cutting of 5 hectares 25 Ares 77 Centi-Ares in Stueng Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province by the coordinate system Project UTM Zone 48N Datum...
Sub-decree no. 222 on cutting land of 189 hectares, 74 acres and 55 centi-acres from forest cover 2022 and cutting land of 401 hectares 72 acres and 16 centi-acres from economic land concessions of 7 Makara Phari and reclassification as state private land for collective ownership to Jarai indigenous community, located in Pa Tang village, Sesan commune, Ou Ya Dav district, Ratanak Kiri province including grant ownership of the land parcel
This sub-decree aims to cut 189 hectares, 74 acres and 55 centi-acres and 401 hectares, 72 acres and 16 centi-acres from economic land concession of the 7 Makara Phari and...
Sub-decree no. 209 on reclassification
This sub-decree has reclassified two plots of land with the size of 3,507 (three thousand five hundred and seven) square meters located in Svay Chrum and Ta Suos communes, Svay...
Sub-decree no. 223 on the cutting land of 15 hectares 09 ares and 45 centi-ares in Tboung Khmum district, Tboung Khmum province from a protected zone of flooded forest and Prey Russey Mouth Kmong in order to reclassify as the state private land and granting ownership to citizens
The sub-decree aims to cut the land of 15 hectares 09ares and 45 centi-ares in the Yeay Sar village, Tonle Bet commune, Tboung Khmum district, Tboung Khmum province and Prey...
Sub-decree no. 193 on the implementation of an area of 187 (one hundred and eighty-seven) hectares in the sustainable use area of Preah Sihanouk Ream Marine National Park, Preah Sihanouk province, provided to the Ministry of National Defense
This sub-decree is reclassified into 187 (one hundred and eighty seven) hectares in the Sustainable Use Area of Preah Sihanouk Ream National Park on an investment area of part...