Sub-decree No. 254 on privatization of state land in total amount of 3753 hectares, including 4 locations in Snoul district, Sambor district, and Preak Prasab district, Kratie province for social land concession to allocate to former armed forces and their families and general poor people
The land from forest cover 2002 in total amount of 3753 hectares, including 4 locations such as Svay Chreah commune of Snoul district for 777.90 hectares, O'Krieng commune of...
Sub decree No. 249 on privatization of the 5557 hectares of state land in Sro Yong commune, Kulen district, Preah Vihear province for social land concession to allocate to former armed forces and their families
The 5557 hectares of state land from forest cover 2002 located in Sro Yong commune, Kulen district, Preah Vihear province was privatized for social land concession to allocate...
Sub-decree No. 218 on privatization of the 1915.70 hectares of state land in Sangkat Samaki, Krong Stung Treng, Stung Treng province for social land concession project to allocate to former armed forces and their families
The 1915.70 hectares of state land from forest cover 2002 in Sangkat Samaki, Krong Stung Treng, Stung Treng province was privatized for social land concession project to...
Sub-decree No. 202 on privatization of the 3638 hectares of state land in Ampil Pram Daeum commune, Bavel district, Battambang province for social land concession project to allocate to former armed forces and their families, and general poor people
The 3636 hectares of state land from forest cover 2002 located in Ampil Pram Daeum commune, Bavel district, Battambang province was privatized for social land concession project...
Sub-decree No. 252 on privatization of state land in total amount of 7100 hectares in Ream commune, O'Oknha Heng commune, Toul Totung commune, Andong Thmor commune and Somrong commune of Prey Nob district, and Tumnob Rolork commune of Stung Hao district in Preah Sihanouk province for social land concession to allocate to former armed forces and their families
The 7100 hectares of land from forest cover 2002 in Ream commune, O'Oknha Heng commune, Toul Totung commune, Andong Thmor commune and Somrong commune of Prey Nob district, and...
Sub-decree No. 253 on privatization of state land in total amount of 5382 hectares, including 3 locations such as Ta Lou commune of Bakan district for 2286 hectares, Santreae commune of Kravanh district for 548 hectares and Pramaoy commune of Veal Veng district for 2588 hectares in Pursat province for social land concession to allocate to former armed forces and their families
The land from forest cover 2002 in total amount of 5382 hectares, including 3 locations such as Ta Lou commune of Bakan district for 2286 hectares, Santreae commune of Kravanh...
Sub-decree No. 478 on privatization of 2123.99 hectares of state land in Som Aoung village, Meanrith commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province for social land concession to allocate to landless and land-poor people
The 2123.99 hectares of state land in Som Aoung village, Meanrith commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province was privatized for social land concession to allocate to...
Sub-decree No. 32 on privatization of 55.3 hectares of state land in Chek Dei village, Andoung Trabek commune, Romeas Hek district, Svay Rieng province for social land concession to allocate to families of military and police
The 55.3 hectares of land from forest cover 2002 located in Chek Dei village, Andoung Trabek commune, Romeas Hek district, Svay Rieng province was privatized for social land...
Sub-decree No. 98 on Cutting, Donating and Reserving 633.9770 hectares of ELC in Ratanak Kiri province
Cutting 633.9770 ha of land in Bor Nhuk village of Samki commune in O Chum district of Ratanak Kiri province ELC of CRD company; Donating 563.5452 ha to 151 [149] families;...
Sub-decree No. 99 on Cutting, Donating and Reserving 491.1920 hectares of ELC in Ratanak Kiri province.
Cutting 491.1920 ha in village No. 2 of Trapaeng Chres commune in Konmom district of Ratanak Kiri province from ELC of Holy Ykho-Industrial; Donating 421.8220 ha to 154...
Sub-decree No. 184 on reclassifying 1,020 hectares of land from ELC in Kampong Chhnang province.
Cutting 1,020 hectares of land in Krangleav commune of Rolea Bphea district in Kampong Chhnang province from economic land concession of Pheapimex, and reclassifying 935 ha as...
Subdecree No. 196 on cutting and reclassifying 4,090.14 hectares from ELC in Pursat province
Cutting land of 4,090.14 ha Kamreng village of Bomnok commune in Kra Kor district of Pursat province from economic land concession of Pheapimex; and Reclassifying 2,904.15 ha as...
Sub-decree No. 192 on Cutting and Reclassifying 2,567 hectares of Wildlife Sanctuary, Forest Concession and ELC in Battambang province
Cutting a total land of 2,567 ha of land in Peam, Peamtar, O Ronong, O Kroch, O Treng, O Ta Teak, Ta Tauk, and Veal Rolem villages of Ta Tauk commune in Samloth district of...