Sub-decree No. 110 on cutting, donating and reserving 244.6207 hectares of ELC in Ratanak Kiri province
Cutting 244.6207 ha in Tar Ngar village of Nharng commune in Andoung Meas district of Ratanak Kiri province from ELC of Hoang Anh Oyadav; Donating 217.9790 ha to 66 families;...
Sub-decree No. 91 on the privatization of state permanent forest reserve land for social land concessions and to establish Prasat Krahom Senchey village in Preah Pralay commune, Trapeang Prasat district, Oddar Meanchey province
The purpose of this sub-decree is to classify state permanent forest reserve land, of which size is 382 hectares, and grant social land concessions in Preah Pralay commune,...
Sub-decree No. 93 on the privatization of state permanent forest reserve land for social land concessions in Treng Trayoung commune, Phnom Sruoch district, Kampong Speu province and in Ta Ken commune, Chhouk district, Kampot province
The purpose of this sub-decree is to classify state permanent forest reserve land, of which size is 329 hectares, and grant social land concessions in Treng Trayoung Commune,...
Sub-decree No.102 on the privatization of 18,838 hectares of state land located in Kampong Domrie commune, Chlong district, Kratie province, for social land concessions and other developments
The aim of this sub-decree is to privatize a land of which size is 18,838 hectares from the Forest Cover 2002 in Kampong Domrie commune, Chlong District, Kratie province, for...
Sub-Decree on reclassification of 350 hectares of land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces
Reclassifying 350 hectares as state private land in Beoung Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces for agro-industry, rubber plantation and animals...
Sub-Decree No. 390 on cutting, donating and reserving 111.7418 hectares of ELC in Ratanak Kiri province
Cutting 111.7418 ha in Kok Lao village of Phnom Kok commune in Veunsai district of Ratanak Kiri province from ELC of SK Plantation; Donating 103.0924 ha to 29 families;...
Sub-Decree No. 389 on cutting, donating and reserving 654.4436 hectares of ELC in Ratanak Kiri province
Cutting 654.4436 ha in Kok Prouv village of Phnom Kok commune in Veunsai district of Ratanak Kiri province from ELC of SK Plantation; Donating 579.2866 ha to 118 families;...
Sub-Decree No. 108 on the privatization of state permanent forest reserve land for social land concessions to 41 families living in Takrouk village, Treng commune, Ratanak Mondol district, Battambang province
Forest Reserve of which size is 5 hectares and 1,299 square meters located in Takrouk Village, Treng Commune, Ratanak Mondol District, Battambang Province, was privatized and...
Sub-Decree No. 202 on cutting and reclassifying 1,797 hectares of forest concession and ELCs in Preah Vihear province
Cutting 1,797 ha of land in Dar village of Chamroeun commune in Sangkum Thmey district of Preah Vihear province: 1,714.57 ha from Forest Concession of TPP, 5.43 ha from ELC of...
Sub-decree No.42 on cutting and reclassifying 4,540.26 hectares from ELC, forest concession, forest cover in Pursat province
Cutting a total land of 4,540.26 hectares in Prey Aovmal village in Sangkat Roleab of Pursat city, and Roveang village in Samroang commune of Phnom Kravine district in Pursat...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 8,708 hectares of land in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Keo Seima district of Mondulkiri province
Reclassifying 8,708 hectares of land in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Keo Seima district of Mondulkiri province for agro-industry investment under lease or concession...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone in Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri provinces.
Determining 3 sustainable use zones with total area of 26,617 hectares in Nature Protection Area, and granting the land for agro-industry and rubber plantation investment to 3...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 6,892 hectares of land in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province
Reclassifying 6,892 hectares as state private land in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province for agro-industry and rubber plantation investment under concession...
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 9,097 hectares of land in Phnom Prich
Reclassifying 9,097 hectares as state private land in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province for agro-industry investment under concession condition.
Sub-Decree on Reclassification of 8,685 hectares of land in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary
Reclassifying 8,685 hectares as state private land in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Keo Seima district of Mondulkiri province for agro-industry investment under lease or...
Royal Decree No. 1106 on the downsizing of 576.35 hectares of land from Botum Sakor National Park and Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary
This Royal decree is to downsize 576.35 hectares of land from Botum Sakor National Park and Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary.
Decree No. 117/2010 / ND-CP on the management of special use forest systems
This Decree provides for the organization and management of special-use forest systems in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Decree No. 137/2006 / ND-CPTo provide for the decentralization of State management over state property in administrative agencies, public non-business units and assets established by the State
dataset တွင် မည်သည့်ဖော်ပြမှုမှ မပါရှပါ
Sub-decree No. 255 on privatization of state land in total of 4815.67 hectares, including 6 locations and 4 communes in Samaki Mean Chey district, Kampong Chhnang province for social land concession to allocate to former armed forces and their families, and general poor people
The land from the economic land concession of Pheapimex Group in amount of 4815.67 hectares was privatized for social land concession project to grant the land to former armed...
Sub-decree No. 106 on Cutting and Reclassifying 477.0359 hectares of ELC in Ratanak Kiri Province
Cutting 477.0359 ha in Dal village of Nharng commune in Andoung Meas district of Ratanak Kiri province from ELC of Jiang Ly; Granting donation of ownership of 391.6855 ha to 111...